EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2021

The special focus of the report is dedicated to the latest developments in the country in line with the global strategic priorities as the development of a sustainable and green economy, digitalization of private sector, and equal access to economic opportunities for men and women.

The 2021 edition is devoted to such important topics as business and investment climate, recovery of business during pandemics, and an overview of the local reforms aimed to attract investors and strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Conclusions presented in the report are based on results of the annual EU Business Climate Survey and face-to-face interviews conducted with owners and top managers of companies. The main target group for the survey includes European companies working in Azerbaijan, namely representatives of the EU and EFTA countries, the UK and Azerbaijani companies, whose main focus of business operations is related to cooperation with the EU.

The EU Business Climate Survey took place in October – November 2021 and collected a record 139 responses never reached before within this study. Over 90% of the companies that participated in the survey are SMEs. The survey contained traditional for this study questions devoted to business, investment climate, ongoing reforms, and other relevant to the business environment topics. In addition to the survey, 27 deep interviews were conducted with representatives of agriculture, construction and engineering, consulting, ICT, oil and gas, tourism and hospitality, transportation and logistics, and other sectors.

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