
“Urban Forests: More than just trees`` Call for Project Proposals

Call for Proposals to select the implementing partner for an urban forestry project


The selected applicant will be responsible for executing tree planting and related activities as outlined in the project proposal. Proposals must be submitted to by August 28, 2024, at 14:00 local time.


SOCAR and its partners at the South Caucasus Pipeline Company (SCPC) invite interested parties to submit project proposals for the implementation of urban forestry project. The project will operate under the framework of SOCAR's Social Investment initiatives, with the aim of enhancing urban forestry practices and contributing to environmental conservation and community well-being. By implementing the urban forestry project, we envision achieving objectives including, but not limited to:

Environmental Protection: mitigate urbanization's adverse effects, such as air and water pollution, through the expansion and preservation of green spaces.

Afforestation: increase urban green infrastructure through strategic tree planting to combat deforestation, enhance carbon sequestration, and promote biodiversity conservation.

Urban Heat Island Mitigation: alleviate the urban heat island effect by increasing tree canopy cover and green spaces to reduce ambient temperatures and enhance urban livability.

Stormwater Management: utilize trees and vegetation to manage stormwater runoff, prevent soil erosion, and improve water quality through natural filtration processes.

Community Health and Well-being: provide accessible green spaces for recreational activities, stress reduction, and social cohesion, thus promoting physical and mental well-being.

Sustainable Urban Development: integrate urban forestry into city planning and development strategies to create more sustainable, resilient, and livable urban environments for present and future generations.

Public Health Enhancement: foster cleaner air and visually appealing green spaces, which provide fresh air, reduce stress levels, promote physical activity, and strengthen community bonds within urban areas, contributing to overall public health improvement.

Other Potential Benefits: realize additional potential impacts such as promoting ecological awareness, fostering environmental stewardship, supporting interdisciplinary learning initiatives, creating job opportunities in green industries, supporting local businesses, and reducing public healthcare costs by promoting healthier lifestyles.


In pursuit of these objectives, the urban forestry project aims to contribute to broader environmental sustainability goals while simultaneously fostering community engagement and well-being.

The potential project(s) may involve land parcels ranging from several square metres to several square kilometres in Baku, Sumgayit, and adjacent areas.


Target Audience

The primary target demographic of the project encompasses residents and visitors of Baku and Sumgayit, as well as the surrounding adjacent territories.

Don't lose this opportunity!






Current phase: Request for proposal (RFP)

Publication date:

07/30/2024 12:00

Deadline for replies:

08/28/2024 14:00


CfP- Urban Forestry - Eng. (1).docx

CfP- Urban Forestry - Aze (1).docx

SOCAR Midstream Proposal Template (1).docx